Ofsted Outstanding

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Education with Character

At Avonwood, alongside academic learning, we also value the hidden curriculum and strive to develop more than just the academic skills for every child throughout their time with us. This has been developed from the philosophy from the Framework for Excellence within United Learning which states, “Academic success is very important… But there is more to a good education. We want young people to look back on a joyful schooling which has inspired and challenged them, given them wide opportunity and prepared them for the ups and downs of life.”​

Therefore, we aim to better prepare children for the ever-changing, modern world that we live in by developing some core skills and a breadth of knowledge and understanding that enable children to be active citizens in their future. This includes developing skills such as:

  • Confidence
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance
  • Moral integrity (a sense of right and wrong)
  • Social awareness
  • Ambition
  • Enthusiasm

Mahatma Gandhi says "Seven deadly sins: … knowledge without character..." As part of the United Learning trust, Avonwood also aim to develop character, compassion and service.  Young people are expected to contribute to their school and to society; to try things which they think they cannot do; to persist in the face of difficulty; to become resilient in overcoming obstacles; to manage themselves; to work independently on things which challenge them; to work with others and in teams; to be courageous and caring; to lead.

We want our children to look back on a joyful schooling which has inspired and challenged them, given them wide opportunity and prepared them for the ups and downs of life.

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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