A – Attitude
For this, children need to go above and beyond in their attitude to others. This could mean displaying a significant kind or gentle attitude to another pupil. It could be in word or deed, for example praising the work of others or taking a new pupil under their wing.
This could also relate to written work along with class discussions, where a child has appeared to do or give more to their work. They may write more or focus more for a sustained period of time. They may attempt to give more concentration or contributions to class discussions or try even harder to make the right choices.
P – Presentation
The pupil has gone above and beyond their usual standard of presentation. For example, where writing maybe inconsistent in size, the pupil has worked hard to maintain a steady correctly sized legible and joined script. A further example might be around the use of tables or diagrams, where a pupil has made a concerted effort to produce a well presented, underlined and neatly shaded work.
E – Effort or Earth Charter
This is an opportunity to acknowledge when a child goes above and beyond with something in school that relates to our Earth Charter ethos. It is deliberately broad and designed for teachers to creatively look for opportunities to catch the children living up to our Earth Charter values.
They add a small sticker in house colours to their class reward chart. 25 points = Bronze Award, 50 points = Silver Award and 75 points = Gold Award. Each award means a trip to our Headteacher Award Shop to choose a prize! An APE certificate for their achievement is also rewarded.
Every week, on Friday, the A.P.E (Attitude, Presentation and Effort) point monitors collect the A.P.E points won by the students that week in class, and they present the winning house at the assembly. The house in 1st place will receive twenty tokens in their tube, 2nd place house will be gifted fifteen tokens, 3rd place house will get ten tokens and the last place house will receive five tokens. Along with this, the winning house is crowned the House Cup until the next week. You can see the picture of the display in its early days. Adding on to the A.P.E points you can earn in class, there are many other opportunities in which you can gain major points for your house such as our inter-house competitions and challenges. So far, this has included a general knowledge quiz, running competition, Times Table Rockstar competitions and an ‘Avonwood’s Got Talent’ competition. There also many more opportunities planned throughout the year, such as sports day, world book day quizzes and much more!
Below, you will find a summary from our house captains in Year 6, who help organise events, organise the children and their houses and present in assemblies each week.