Safeguarding / Pastoral Support
This page has additional information relating to safeguarding and pastoral support during school closure.
For pastoral support we have attached below age appropriate social stories for children linked to COVID 19. If you notice that your child is becoming anxious due to all the change and uncertainty. Social stories can really help in this situation. Please click on the links below
Talking to your Child about the Coronavirus
Children look to adults in their life for comfort when they are distressed and will take a lead on how to view things from you. Please see top tips taken from the Young Minds website to support your family and you during this unsettling time.
- Talk to your child about what is going on. You could start by asking them what they have heard.
- Try to answer their questions and reassure them in an age appropriate manner. Remember, you do not need to know all the answers but talking can help them feel calm.
- Reassure your child that it is unlikely they will get seriously ill and, if they do feel ill, you will look after them. Your child might be concerned about who will look after you if you catch the virus. Let them know the kind of support you have as an adult so that they don’t feel they need to worry about you.
- Give some practical tips to your child about how they can look after themselves. For example, show them how to wash their hands properly and remind them when they should be doing it.
- Keep as many regular routines as possible so that your child feels safe and that things are stable.
- Spend time doing a positive activity with your child (e.g. reading, playing, painting, cooking) to help reassure them and reduce their anxiety. This is also a great way of providing a space for them to talk through their concerns, without having a ‘big chat’.
- Encourage your child to think about the things they can do to make them feel safer and less worried. You may want to use one of our social stories.
- Be aware that your child may want more close contact with you at this time and feel anxious about separation. Try to provide this support whenever possible.
- Remember to look after yourself too. If you yourself are feeling worried, or anxious about coronavirus, talk to someone you trust who can listen and support you.
ENIQUE have prepared a short animation, a story book, and an activity that supports you to tackle misinformation and help children understand the Coronavirus. Click on the links below:-
It is also advisable to go over internet safety with your child whilst they are learning from home. You can find more information by following Mrs Harris on Twitter at Avonwood Computing @Avonwood_ICT
In regards to safeguarding, it is important to recognise that as a school we are still responsible for safeguarding our children. As you can imagine it is very challenging to do this when we have limited contact with the children and their families. As a school we will remain open for our most vulnerable groups of children and will have regular contact with some of our key families over the coming weeks.
If you have any concerns or would like to contact a member of our safeguarding team please do not hesitate to email us –
This email account will be monitored daily during school hours by one of our SLT team and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Other Useful websites and Numbers
Here are some websites and numbers that may be helpful to you as adults during this difficult time: -
Samaritans - Call 116 123 -
Steps to Wellbeing - Telephone: 0300 123 1120 -
New Childline Website for Under 12s
Childline has launched a website aimed at children under the age of 12. This provides age appropriate content on topics including: bullying, family, friends, feelings, school, abuse and staying safe. It also includes games and therapeutic tools for young visitors to play and express how they are feeling. It will be promoted through the NSPCC's Speak out Stay safe programme.
Our Safeguarding Team are planning to be available on the following email address during school hours:
Safeguarding Team email address for non-emergency:
Kim Williams – DSL Assistant Head teacher
Lucy Sloane - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENDco
Chris Jackson – Head teacher
If you have serious concerns because you think that a child might be being abused (physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect) or at risk of radicalisation you should contact the Children’s Services Department at BCP Council:
During office hours (8.30am to 5.00pm) you should contact BCP Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 01202 735046
At all other times you should contact the Out of Hours Service: 01202 738256
You can also call 101 for non-emergency and 999 for emergency situations
For all emergency situations please call 999.
Emotional Wellbeing Support Services
Online Safety
Online safety guidance
If you require any guidance of childcare services please follow the link below form BCP Council.
For the lastest version of our Safeguarding Policy please click here.