Key Information
EYFS Curriculum Overview: Click Here
Avonwood EYFS Policy: Click Here
Twitter: @AvonwoodEYFS
Our commitment to excellence at Avonwood Primary School starts in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Throughout your child’s Early Years journey we foster a love of learning by exploring engaging learning opportunities both indoors and out, whatever the weather. Our play-based curriculum enables us to immerse our children in a language-rich environment, developing their communication skills and vocabulary in meaningful ways. The children's interests help to shape our teaching and we support every child as an individual. Children learn about our world through hands-on experiences. They learn about growing and changes by looking closely at our natural environment. Books and talk are at the heart of our curriculum, and we use stories to learn about the world, ourselves, and each other.
At Avonwood, we nurture and respect one another, building caring and trusting relationships through open communication. We want all children to feel happy, safe, and secure at school, building a sense of belonging. Our aim for all children to develop the confidence and belief within themselves, developing a positive sense of self as well as to feel valued and listened to. We want all children at Avonwood to become independent, resilient learners who have a sense of perseverance.
We begin our exciting adventure at school by learning about one another and our families. There are lots of friends to be made, new routines to be learnt and lots of new areas to explore. At the start of the second half term, we will look closely at the changing season of autumn. Our ‘Let’s Celebrate’ topic will begin with a bang! We learn about traditions and celebrations such as Bonfire Night, Diwali, and Christmas. The children will enjoy immersing themselves in the colours, lights and all things glittering during this topic.
Next, we will learn about knights, castles, and dragons as we explore these themes through stories such as ‘The Very Last Castle’ by Travis Jonker and ‘Small Knight & George’ by Ronda Armitage. We look forward to being transported back in time and experiencing life in a castle. We will also learn about the changes the season of spring will bring us, lifecycles, planting and growing and exploring our natural world.
‘Where We Live’ starts off the summer term. The children will learn about their where they live, their local area and community, and maps. At the start of this learning, we will read ‘The Jolly Postman’ and use this as a stimulus for learning about different houses and homes as well as different story characters. I wonder who we will find on the Jolly Postman’s journey through the woods? In addition, a parcel is delivered…DING, DING! It’s the Naughty Bus! This exciting text told through close photography and narrated by the toy bus, inspires lots of wonderful imaginative play, encouraging Foundation to become authors and create their very own adventure stories. Rounding off the year, will be our ‘Science Detectives’ topic. This will allow us to become inventors, explorers, and investigators.
Foundation Timetable - A Typical Day
At Avonwood our mantra is ‘Every Minute Counts’, so please help us by arriving promptly at 8:50am daily. We have a one-hour lunch and a 15-minute snack.
Foundation Example Timetable (Subject to Change) @ Avonwood Primary School
Fiddly Fingers
Literacy Let’s Learn
Maths Let’s Learn
Whole class reading
Continuous Provision
Fiddly Fingers
Literacy Let’s Learn
Maths Let’s Learn
Jurassic Maths
Continuous Provision
Fiddly Fingers
Let’s Learn
Jurassic Maths
Continuous Provision
Fiddly Fingers
Literacy Let’s Learn
Maths Let’s Learn
Jurassic Maths
Continuous Provision
Fiddly Fingers
Literacy Let’s Learn
Maths Let’s Learn
Whole class reading
Continuous Provision
Home Learning
At Avonwood we appreciate that the transition from nursey school to primary school is a significant one. We therefore adapt our home learning expectations to be suitable for this age group. By building the foundations for home learning early, the partnership between yourself and your child will reap dividends for years to come. If you have any concerns regarding home learning expectations for EYFS age children, please do not hesitate to contact the team on:,uk