ResearchED Bournemouth
Avonwood Primary School is exceptionally proud to be home to the annual summer ResearchEd by the Beach event!
ResearchED is a grass-roots, teacher led organisation started in 2013 by Tom Bennett, and assisted by Helene Galdin-O’Shea.The goal of researchED is to bridge the gap between research and practice in education.
In May 2023, for the first time in researchED history, this event was hosted on the South Coast at Avonwood Primary School. More than 150 educators attended to hear from a host of speakers including Robert Pondiscio, Mary Myatt, Clare Sealy and Bradley Busch. Guest speakers flew in from as far as New York to deliver keynote talks on cutting edge education matters.
As a school that takes great pride in following an evidenced based approach to our pedagogy, we are delighted to host such a special annual event.
Following the success of this event in 2023, researchED is returned again to Avonwood on 18th May 2024.
For more details follow us on X - @rEDBmth